“This will challenge you in more ways than you can anticipate and you’ll be far better having experienced it!”

Individual and Small Group

Virtual and in-person lifts for top executives and emerging leaders.

Do you know how to stand out when you stand up? Top talent spends hours upon hours presenting the best for their company. But how often do they see the value in presenting the best of themselves? This is the program that does it. Numerous clients have shared that their time with us “transformational.” In fact, it’s been so well received that we had to put a trademark on it. A workbook that makes you dig into yourself. A stage to make it real. Small presentations to gain confidence. A “back pocket speech” that’s yours.  An amazing result you never saw coming.

  • Connecting with your audience
  • Humanizing your story for impact
  • Messages they’ll remember and share

It’s your choice. A series of virtual sessions or the in-person bootcamp led by one of our team members. Elevate further by combining virtual and in-person coaching. 

It’s an empowering interactive experience that takes you on a career-changing journey toward reaching new heights of leadership, communication, culture advocacy and audience connection that benefits the organization and can take a professional career to a whole new level of success.

You’ll learn new ways of storytelling and gain a whole new confidence in your own presentation style and skills that leads to a stronger message, a winning mindset of redefined leadership and ultimately… the creation of a brand new you.

PLUS … ask about custom 1-day experiences from our coaching advisors.

  • Rob Johnson – Personal Media Coaching
  • Ashleigh Guerra – Personal Brand Coaching
  • Kraig Kann – Personal Presentation Coaching
Green Shoe recipients from Titlist

“This experience was next level and I’ll tell everyone that I learned the purpose behind my ‘why!’


6 Virtual Sessions


1 In-Person Day


6 Virtual Sessions


1.5 In-Person Days


9 Virtual Sessions


2 In-Person Days

Homework for the virtual students and live “personal deep dives” using our custom Elevate Workbook make this a climb toward elevating presence and amplifying performance. Graduates earn a KAG green shoe!


Let’s Chat About It

“Over the last two years together, our sales team has become comfortable with being uncomfortable. A great return for our company.”

“I can’t describe the feeling of seeing my own growth from beginning to end. Incredibly impactful working with KAG.”
Titleist, Sales and Marketing