Kann Advisory Group Expands Offerings – Adds Sports Leadership Ambassador Advisors
Orlando, FL Showing continued growth and a clear focus on helping companies and businesses, athletic organizations, and individual leaders reach new heights in presenting a

Sell Your Ideas & Sell You
How good are you with writing down your thoughts? Are your ideas strong? If you’re like me, your brain moves at light speed with information

Bring Your Brand to LIFE
When it comes to success, if you want to be relevant in your business, then you should make sure your goal is to do something

Why Your First Answer is Critical
How many times have you watched a political debate or a newsworthy interview and been quickly impressed with someone based on how they handled the

Make Sure You Say Something
I’ve heard it from athletes and executives, agents and even public relations specialists; “Why aren’t media folks paying attention or interested in my story?” That’s

Keys to Owning the Stage
First of all, EVERYONE gets nervous or has a degree of anxiety when speaking publicly, so before you read any further, take a deep breath

Presenting the Best You
If you’ve ever been put in a speaking situation where you had the steering wheel of an event that required people to have fun, rather

Victory with Your Next Speech
How many big words do you know? How good were you with vocabulary in grammar school? These are two questions that tie into something everyone

Are You an Employee or an Entrepreneur?
In 2008 when the market changed, so too did my outlook on business and career — and my present and future employment. I was comfortably